The Silent Killer of Productivity

biggest hack is to manage your energy, not your time..

Ever feel like you're running on auto-pilot? You're not alone. In today's hyper-connected world, burnout is becoming the norm, not the exception.

What most people talk about doing to prevent this is organising your time well. Time-blocking or other forms of perfect time organisation.

However, no one talks about starting from the energy levels.

You can have a slot booked for working on your sales funnel 9:30-10:30pm, however after a tough day you won’t be able to perform and you end up wasting that hour.

Let's break down why managing your energy, not just your time, is the key to peak performance.

Yes, I’m looking at you, founders.

Today at a Glance:

Strategy Back to Basics

Strategy Managing Energy >> Managing Time

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Back to basics

In our daily life, we often overlook the simple adjustments that can significantly boost our productivity.

Let’s start with sleep. It’s not just a luxury — it’s a necessity. Quality sleep rejuvenates your body and mind, allowing you to start each day with renewed energy levels. I usually aim for 6-8 hours a night, in a 90-minute blocks so I don’t wake up during a deep sleep. I have a premium at Sleep Cycle, which helps a lot for this.

Next up is organisation. A cluttered workspace can lead to a cluttered mind. Ok, my girlfriend reads this newsletter so I’m probably not getting away with lying about this one (I’ll take it as a test whether she really reads it). I’m one of the messiest people out there so don’t take my word for this.

Nutrition. What you eat directly impacts your energy levels. Prioritise whole foods, stay hydrated, and don’t skip meals. What I recommend to everyone as a fitness nerd is to count calories for a couple of weeks, to understand how much you usually eat. After that, just start eyeballing — it gets easier with time.

Physical activity. Do something 20 minutes after waking. Short walks, stretches, breathwork, jog, whatever you feel like doing. Even three laps around you flat >> nothing. Here’s my Strava if anyone’s interested.

Reward yourself ever so often. Don’t overdo it though.

And remember, take breaks. Stepping away from your desk for a few minutes can refresh your mind and improve your concentration. Use this time to stretch, grab a snack, or simply breathe.

I feel like Tim Ferris after this section, I can nerd about routines and health forever. Let’s come back to energy management..

Managing energy >> Managing time

9-5 is the biggest scam sold to us. No one is productive 9-5. You'll never achieve the same results 3-5pm as you will 9-11am. It just isn't feasible.

What I suggest to everyone is establishing priorities. Most of you won't have your day job as your life priority (I hope). So it makes no sense to work your day job 9-5, and then start grinding on your startup 7-10pm (this being your actual priority).

Since you're always more cognitively present in the first hours after waking, wake up earlier and work on your startup before you hit your day job. Let's say you get to work 6-8am on your startup. Those 2 hours earlier in the day are likely to equal 4-6 hours later in the day.

Prioritise your objectives and schedule your days around that. Don't compromise on your dreams because of your day job (your safe option).

Now, I know what you're thinking. "But I'm not a morning person!". It's a habit you build. Start by setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier each week. Before you know it, you'll be up with the birds, crushing your goals while others are still hitting snooze.

Here's another pro tip: use your commute. If you're stuck in traffic or on public transport, that's prime time for planning, brainstorming, journaling or even learning through podcasts or audiobooks. Turn dead time into productive time. This snowballs into other areas as well. The more you read, the more you learn, the better your product’s going to be.

Remember, energy management trumps time management. Identify your peak performance hours and guard them fiercely. Decline meeting invitations, say no a lot.

Lastly, don't forget to recharge. All this talk of productivity doesn't mean working 24/7. Schedule downtime, pursue hobbies, spend time with loved ones.

A well-rounded life boosts creativity and prevents burnout. Your startup needs you at your best, not your most exhausted.

Sorry for a bit of a more generic one — but I felt like it needed to be said. I really meant I’m a health and sports nerd, so please if you have any questions reply to this email or contact me elsewhere I can help you out!

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